Yogi remedy Rewards is our online loyalty program designed to treat customers like you with wonderful rewards and benefits you deserve. You can earn & redeem Care Points as part of this program. You can use your Care Points to earn discounts on purchases, as per our policy, so the more you collect the more you save.
If you are new here, simply create a customer account and you will automatically become a part of our program. Or you can join by using our loyalty program widget ‘Yogi remedy Rewards' on the bottom left corner of your screen. You can also become a guest customer by making a genuine purchase on our website.
If you are an existing member, congratulations! You have already been added as a part of the Yogi remedy Rewards program
You can earn Care Points for all sorts of online activities, including following us on social media, writing reviews*, referring friends* and making purchases as per the prevailing policies of Yogi remedy Care. You must be logged in to the Customer account of Yogi remedy Care to earn Care Points on purchases or for any other activity capable of earning the Care Points.
Care Points are redeemed for rewards, which you can spend on our site www.yogiremedy.com for subsequent purchases only and not otherwise. On clicking ‘Redeem’ against an earned reward, you will see a coupon code. You can redeem your Care Points by copy-pasting the coupon code on our payment page during checkout or at any time in the Care Points widget by clicking on ‘Apply Code’ under the earned reward.
You can pay your entire order value using the Care Points.
When you cancel or return the product, the Care Points utilized towards such order do not get re-credited to your account. Once the Care Points are redeemed by you, the same will not be restored in your account on order cancellation/return.
No, when you cancel or return an order, the Care Points earned for that order are also removed from your account. However, when you return or cancel only part products ordered, you will be entitled to the Care Points only for the products not returned or cancelled and for the review of such products.
No. Go ahead and earn as many as you can!
Share your unique link with a friend who has not shopped with us before and does not have an account with us. When you refer a friend, they get a 20% OFF discount, you’ll get 20% OFF when your friend makes a purchase. To access your unique URL, once logged in simply open the Care Points launcher and scroll down to the referral section. You can copy the link & share it with your friends.
Simply log into your account and go to the Care Points dashboard. Select the tab called *Ways to earn*. Click on any of the social media outlets you wish to follow and login to that platform and like & follow us!